

Are you ready to start your Elemental journey?

What do we need in our lives to feel healthy and happy?

With so much information out there, it can be hard to work out what we need to do to face life with energy, positivity and confidence.

Even then, it can feel impossible to change our behaviour so that the actions that are good for us stick.

Combined with a unique blend of motivational forces, the Elemental Programme uses the most up to date learning on behavioural change and habit formation so that the changes you make becomes automatic and lasting.

The Elemental Programme

The next programme will start on the ….

You will…

  • Discover the nine elements that science tells us, we as humans, need in our lives to thrive.
  • Gain insight into your health and wellbeing needs through your unique Elemental Score.
  • Facilitated by an Elemental Coach, develop a bespoke strategy to enhance all nine essential elements of your health and wellbeing.
  • Learn a simple approach to reprogramme your thoughts and behaviour, so that you break old unhelpful patterns.
  • Use the EASE Habit Formation Method to embed new behaviours so that they become automatic for lasting change towards a more positive future.
  • Gain the support of a community of people all embarking on a powerful journey towards enhanced health and wellbeing for a more positive future.

A 12 month membership to Elemental including…

  • Your unique Elemental Score and feedback on the nine elements
  • A one-to-one coaching session with an Elemental Coach
  • Your bespoke Elemental Plan so that you focus on the areas that matter
  • Access to Elemental bitesize weekly learning clips and motivation
  • Active participation in monthly exclusive online Elemental Group sessions
  • Embedded learning of the EASE Method so that the changes you make last
  • Your Elemental Workbook with insight and practices to embed real change
  • Membership of the Elemental Community, an essential

Elemental 12 month membership …

A year long journey of significant positive transformation using scientifically proven methods of change and habit formation, ending old unhelpful behaviours and making healthy ways of thinking and acting, second nature. Facilitated by highly experienced Elemental Coaches, you will become a part of a hugely motivated and supportive tribe, focused on embedding small easy changes, which over time build powerful momentum to a more positive future.

What do we need in our lives to feel healthy and happy?

With so much information out there, it can be hard to work out what we need to do to face life with energy, positivity and confidence.

And even then, it can feel impossible to change our behaviour so that the actions that are good for us stick.

The Elemental Programme brings together the nine elements science has uncovered that humans need to thrive and reach their full potential.

Combined with a unique blend of motivational forces, the Elemental Programme uses the most up to date learning on behavioural change and habit formation so that the changes that you make becomes automatic and lasting.

Because we know that life is busy, we’ve developed the Elemental Programme so that you can make change at the right pace. We meet as a group once a month online and the rest of the programme fits easily into your other responsibilities. Delivered in bite-sized chunks, the programme is designed to enable you build significant momentum on as little as ten minutes a day!

Small easy actions, applied consistently, over time, build powerful momentum, making a more positive future not only possible but inevitable.

Why we Created Elemental

At therehuman, we are deeply concerned with supporting people to make a real and lasting positive difference in their lives.

In our modern world, the design of our lives can disconnect us from the elements in that we know, from evolutionary science, humans need in their lives to thrive. We might feel lacking in energy or peace of mind – we know something is missing, but we don’t know what that something is.

It turns out that the core elements of thriving from our evolutionary past, are reflected in the current research on the daily practices essential for physical and emotional health and wellbeing.

In addition, studies on the ‘Blue Zones’ from around the world – places where the lifestyle of the people mean that they stay healthier for longer – reflect the importance of these core elements for human thriving and longevity.

No other programme brings all these elements together.

Elements such as MOVE, RECOVER, GENERATE & CONNECT combine together in a unique way to deliver self-confidence, meaning and engagement in a psychologically rich life.

You deserve to feel better and it is possible.

Even when we know what we need to do for health and wellbeing, it can feel nearly impossible to transform our behaviour for consistent, lasting change.

After an initial period of progress, life gets in the way and motivation wanes. Feeling demoralised, we blame ourselves, believing that others are made of stronger stuff.

It can be easy to think that we are doing something wrong and if we just worked a little harder and applied more willpower, we might eventually achieve our goals.

Its not that you are not trying hard enough, its that you may be using the wrong approach.

Whether you are trying to achieve or maintain a healthy weight, embed a regular exercise regime, sleep better, feel calmer or have more meaningful relationships in your life, using the right approach is essential.

Making Positive Change Inevitable

How do we change our behaviour for a lasting positive impact on our health and wellbeing?

We need to make the thoughts and actions that are good for us automatic or second nature and reduce or eliminate the behaviour that is no longer serving us.

We need to believe that we deserve a better quality of life and that it is indeed possible.

Then we need to build lasting positive habits.

At therehuman we have spend years researching the science of behavioural change and habit formation to develop a programme that will truly make a lasting difference.

Bringing together the forces of Insight, Awareness, Coaching, Learning, Accountability, Habit Formation and Community we have developed a unique blend of motivational drivers, that combined, deliver significant change.

The Elemental Programme will help you to finally bring about the changes in your life that will make a more positive future inevitable.

Using our EASE Habit Formation Method, we help to you think and act in ways that are good for you.

Starting small, you will build powerful momentum, with one positive habit leading to another. You will find that your mindset about what you believe is possible, transforms.

How do you want to live your one precious life?

What clients say about therehuman.

Since joining the Elemental Programme I have made a significant shift in thinking about myself and my life. Thinking positively is now my default position and it has made a massive difference to my overall health and wellbeing.

Sarah, 35

The Elemental Programme has helped me gain a completely different perspective on the way that I approach my life. Self-compassion, a focus on what I have achieved, exercise and mindfulness are now ingrained habits. I am also experiencing a real improvement in my relationship with those who are important to me.

Edward, 45

As a former International runner I have always had a huge interest in the benefits gained from exercise and your mental wellbeing. When the Belfast Met College announced the opportunity to apply for the Elementary Programme, I was delighted to gain a place on the Programme and the benefits of working with Catherine and other like-minded colleagues.

We have regular catch ups with a monthly focus on each topic. E.g. Move, Rest, Nourish etc. We discuss the benefits around each topic, and how we can adjust our habits for long term gains, then feedback, support and encourage each other at the next meeting. The group quickly became a very supportive and positive network.

It has particularly been of benefit to me as I have tried to maintain a healthy work/life balance project managing Assured Skills Programmes for the College whilst becoming a dad for the first time in 2020 during COVID.

I would highly recommend the Elementary Programme to anyone who has the good fortune to have the opportunity to attend.

Michael Mearns (40)

Programme Structure

Month One:

Elemental Insights Questionnaire & Elemental Score Feedback
One to One Coaching Session with Elemental Coach and development of Elemental Plan

Month Two: ACHIEVE

A sense of achievement is incredibly important to our health and wellbeing. We start with ACHIEVE as we want you to understand the steps required to achieve your goals, so that you can, in turn, apply these steps to all wellbeing Elements.

Month Three: MOVE

We were born to move. In MOVE we uncover the specific types of exercise we need for health, energy and longevity. We discover the surprising benefits to our physical and mental health, what motivational techniques work best when it comes to exercise and how to establish and maintain enduring exercise habits using the EASE Method so that we stay fit for life.

Month Four: NOURISH

With so much information out there, it can be hard to work out what we need to eat. In NOURISH we look at how we can nurture ourselves with good nutritious food. We explore our current eating patterns of behaviour and use powerful techniques to build awareness and gain a greater sense of autonomy in how we choose to fuel our body.

Month Five: REST

Why is sleep so vital to our health and wellbeing? How can it support our mood, cognition and ability to deal with complex and stressful situation? In REST we explore new insights from neuroscience on the easy daily practices that support a good night’s sleep, and of course we learn how to instil these practices into enduring habits!

Month Six: RECOVER

How do we stay healthy and happy amid life’s challenges? We prioritise recovery. In RECOVER we explore how we can make recovery part of our daily lives, rather than something that we reserve for holidays, to build power stress resilience.

Month Seven: GENERATE

It is possible to generate our own positive emotions or are we at the mercy of what life throws at us? In GENERATE we delve into the science of positive psychology to uncover powerful practices that will support you to enhance your mood and the overall quality of your life.

Month Eight: CONNECT

How important are the quality of our relationships to our health and wellbeing? Are there simple ways to enhance our current relationships and establish and sustain new ones? In CONNECT we discover the particular ways that positive connection with other humans is central to our health and happiness, and we learn simple habits that have been proven to strengthen our relationships and build our tribe!

Month Nine: ENGAGE

Are there periods in even the most difficult days that we are truly happy and engaged in life? In ENGAGE we uncover what neuroscience tells us about how we can build days filled with more and more periods of deep happiness and engagement in life. You will discover what really engages you and build enduring engagement habits for deep fulfilment and satisfaction.

Month Ten: CLARIFY

What do you really want from your one precious life. In CLARIFY we start with what makes you unique and identify the values that are most important to you. We build a powerful vision of what a more positive future could be for you, enhancing your motivation and commitment to a healthier and happier life.

Month Eleven: VISION

This month, we return to your vision of your positive future. We reaffirm what is most important to you and combined with what you have learnt about yourself over the last year and integrate it into your Elemental Plan so that you have a powerful roadmap and enduring habits, guiding you on your journey through life.

Month Twelve: CELEBRATE

As we now know, celebrating successes, insights and new relationships is crucial to us as humans. In the last month, we take time to celebrate your achievements, galvanising your confidence in your ability to continue to enhance your health and happiness in your one precious life!

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Get in touch and let’s find out how we can help you.