The Chemistry of Calm.


Modern life can be overwhelming at times. With so much challenge, complexity and uncertainty, it is not surprising that we sometimes feel stressed and anxious.

Occasional episodes of stress are a normal part of life. But for too many people, chronic stress and anxiety have become a fact of life adversely affecting health, relationships and performance.

It doesn’t have to be like this. What if we could determine how we feel and experience our lives? What if we knew powerful ways to reduce our stress and anxiety?

We have a choice.

We can wait for the world around us to change, or we can make the change ourselves.

The Chemistry of Calm Programme combines techniques and practices from our ancient past, blended with knowledge and insights from neuroscience and psychology, to embed an approach to stress that is individual to you and that gets more powerful with every challenge you face.

The Chemistry of Calm Programme

The next programme will start on the ….

You will…

  • Spend individual time with an expert in stress and anxiety exploring your current situation and developing a bespoke stress regulation and resilience plan.
  • Gain access to six small-group workshops learning about the six pillars of stress resilience
  • Learn a simple approach to reprogramming your thoughts and behaviour, so that you break old unhelpful patterns.
  • Use the EASE Habit Formation Method to embed new behaviours so that they become automatic for lasting change towards enhanced stress resilience
  • Experience the support of a community of people all embarking on a powerful journey towards enhanced stress resilience
  • Learn at the right pace – Delivered over eight weeks, with an overall commitment of ten hours, the Chemistry of Calm has been developed to fit in with your busy life.

Membership to the Chemistry of Calm Programme includes…

  • A one to one coaching session with a expert in the field of stress and anxiety reduction.
  • Your bespoke Chemistry of Calm Plan so that you focus on the areas that matter
  • Access to the Chemistry of Calm bitesize learning clips and motivation
  • Six small group workshops focusing on the six pillars of stress resilience
  • Embedded learning of the EASE Method so that the changes you make last.

A comprehensive stress reduction programme using scientifically proven methods to embed the knowledge, skills and daily habits essential for building long term stress resilience. Facilitated by experts in the fields of stress and anxiety reduction, you will become part of a strong and supportive group of professionals, focused on determining how you experience life, regardless of what it throws at you. Delivered over eight weeks, with an overall commitment of ten hours, the Chemistry of Calm has been developed to fit in with your busy life.

We can wait for the world around us to change, or we can make the change ourselves.

Why we developed the Chemistry of Calm Programme

As humans we are not coping with the pressures of the modern world. We have come to see stress and anxiety as unavoidable feature of our lives.

Chronic stress and anxiety is associated with a range of physical and mental health issues including links to cardiovascular disease and depression.

We know only too well how stress can negatively impact our sleep, ability to focus and the quality of our relationships.

If we take into account some of the adverse health affects of maladaptive coping strategies – drinking, overeating or digital addiction – we discover that our current responses to stress and anxiety are also seriously affecting, not only our quality of life, but our longevity.

Whilst occasionally experiencing stressful episodes is normal – and sometimes necessary to help us to take action – prolonged periods of chronic stress and anxiety do not have to be part of your life.

To enjoy life and live healthier for longer, learning how to build stress resilience is not just important, it is essential.

What makes the Chemistry of Calm Programme different?

Most stress management approaches are either too little or too late to be helpful.

At one end of the spectrum, many stress interventions only address the tip of the iceberg. We learn about how to respond to stress and then we go back to doing what we have always done.

Alternatively, other interventions are only available when stress and anxiety gets to the point that we can no longer function and manage our daily lives.

The Chemistry of Calm Programme is different.

We have taken the most up to date learning from neuroscience, health and psychology and teamed this with a powerful behavioural change and habit formation approach so that you build strength and confidence in the face of whatever life throws at you.

Building Stress Resilience for work and life

For many years, stress was considered a bad word. However we know that humans have evolved to respond effectively to challenge and adversity.

Actually, our brains and bodies are perfectly adapted to cope with pressure, recover, and get stronger as a result, if and only if, we take the right approach and have the right support.

We are all different.

You will learn about what triggers your stress response and how to respond in a healthy way when this happens.

You will discover what your stress ‘sweet spot’ is and what recovery methods really work for you.

Through small easy steps, you will build stress resilience habits that build powerful momentum over time.

What clients say about therehuman.

I do feel that taking part in the programme has really changed my mindset about how I feel about stress and has made me consider what levels of stress I find acceptable and what I feel needs to change. I have used several of the techniques discussed and have found that I’m able to re-evaluated how I tackle stressful situations whereas before, I allowed myself to be overwhelmed by tricky or difficult situations. The group was incredibly supportive and it was a great soundboard for problem-solving and discussing stress in a frank manner. It has really been eye opening to not just tackling stress but also re-framing how I want to feel and how I can achieve that.


All our ninety minute workshops are delivered online with limited numbers to ensure the programme fits in with busy lives and you benefit from the encouragement and support from a small group of likeminded people, focused on building stress resilience.

Programme Structure

Week One: Insight

Gain insight into how stress is affecting your health and wellbeing and the current habits that you have formed to try to manage it.

Week Two: Coaching

Spend one to one time with one of our expert coaches, exploring your current situation and developing a bespoke stress regulation and resilience plan.

Week Three: Knowledge

In the first workshop you will learn about the purpose of the natural stress response and how it impacts your body and brain. Experts in the field of stress management explain that ‘knowledge of knowledge’ or teaching the ‘brain about the brain’ is a very powerful stress reduction technique in itself.

Week Four: Knowledge

Often we are not even really aware of how and when our stress response is being triggered and how to recognise it in our brains and bodies. In the second workshop we identify what your unique stress triggers are and how they specifically manifest in your body.

Week Five: Regulation

The third workshop provides a powerful blueprint for how to respond to stress in the moment. Use new and very effective techniques from neuroscience, you will develop a rapid stress reduction technique and then use the EASE Method to begin the process of making the response habitual.

Week Six: Agility

The sixth workshop in the programme dives into how we can develop mental agility to dramatically change the way that we experience formerly stressful situations. Based on science backed approaches, we develop methods of cognitive flexibility that not only lower our stress respond but also makes us feel more confident and resilient in the face of challenge, complexity and uncertainty.

Week Seven: Recovery

Just as recovery is a vital part of any physical training plan, effective consistent recovery is crucial for building stress resilience. In fact the body and brain provide a range of wonderful chemicals that are there to support this process. In workshop seven, we will teach you how to enhance these chemicals for physical and psychological recovery to reduce the risk of chronic stress and anxiety.

Week Eight: Resilience

Maintaining effective stress resilience is a mindset and a way of life. The last workshop explores how you develop routines that not only minimise the negative effects of stress and lower anxiety but also build your overall health, wellbeing and quality of life. We finish by embedding the resilience mindset so that you no longer avoid or fear challenges but you actively embrace them as opportunities to build confidence and strength!

contact us

Get in touch and let’s find out how we can help you.